A network partnership to achieve electricity cost and carbon footprint reductions in the act

Our seven-year partnership with the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government commenced in 2018 delivering a total solution for the operation and maintenance of 80,000 streetlights (including poles, underground network and control cubicles) under a Smart Lighting Energy Performance contract (EPC) model. To achieve a total smart lighting solution for the client, a VINCI Energies IT program was also developed via the proprietary Central Maintenance Management System and Hypervisor software platforms BIMCity and CityApp.
Key elements of the Smart Lighting EPC involve the replacement of more than 42,000 of the existing streetlights with energy efficient LED technology under an accelerated program over 30 months. This provided a substantial energy saving of 42% at the end of 2020 whilst also contributing to the ACT Government’s zero net emission target of providing a safer and more reliable network for the community.